I'm Marian
Born and raised in Bucharest, Romania, I’m a filmmaker and video editor with over 15 years of experience. I’ve been a technology addict since I can remember and, let’s call it what it is, that sort of makes me a geek. But this also made me pursue my passions in a thorough manner and allowed me to add various layers in my life, every single one involving creativity brought to life through technology.
In the past 15 years I’ve also been a music producer and sound designer as part of a personal project called Dualtrx, which I’ve been developing out of sheer passion. You can see some of my workhere. As a lifestyle photographer I find inspiration everywhere around me, I appreciate the people I meet and the places I go to, but most of all, I pursue that drop of spontaneity in every image that I take.
I appreciate the raw reality of everyday life, the fleeting beauty of those in-between moments, and I do my very best to capture them in every picture. In the end, what I wish to offer are those kinds of images in which any viewer can find inspiration by relating to the situation, the emotion or the energy expressed.